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目前着力开展的行政争议实质性化解,还面临着认识不清的困境,有必要探究其内在逻辑以明晰其面目。理论依据要解决“为何做”的问题,行政争议实质性化解因应解决实际问题需要,具有深层次的实质法治、国家治理、检察功能、能动检察的动因和需求。制度定位实际是解决“为何能做”的问题,行政争议实质性化解依托行政诉讼监督开展,是行政检察职责的组成部分,属于工作机制层面的安排。实践完善要解决“如何做”的问题,实践中已形成类型化的化解模式,还要探索和创新化解范围和方式,以期尽早实现规范化、定型化。  相似文献   

There is strong evidence that chronic, systemic inflammation hastens onset of the diseases of old age that ultimately lead to death. Importantly, several studies suggest that childhood adversity predicts chronic inflammation. Unfortunately, this research has been plagued by retrospective reports of childhood adversity, an absence of controls for adult stressors, and a failure to investigate various competing models of the link between childhood adversity and chronic inflammation. The present study was designed to address these limitations. Using 18 years of data collected from 413 African Americans (58% female) included in the Family and Community Health Study, hierarchical regression analyses provided support for a nuanced early life sensitivity explanation for the link between early adversity and adult chronic inflammation. Controlling for health risk behaviors and adult SES, late childhood (ages 10–12) adversity amplified the association between adult adversity (age 29) and chronic inflammation. This interaction operated in a domain-specific fashion. Harsh parenting amplified the relation between intimate partner hostility and inflammation, whereas early discrimination amplified the relation between adult discrimination and inflammation. These findings suggest that individuals may be primed to respond physiologically to adverse adult circumstances that resemble those experienced earlier in life.

Hanging Together     
No country or region is immune to ravaging diseases. With the global spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), it is urgent to strengthen solidarity to fight the pandemic. Many international organizations have called for unity and cooperation among countries. There should be no beggar-thy-neighbor thinking, selfishness or indifference.  相似文献   
高铁在中国发展超十五年,动车组成本控制行为从起初战略采购压缩购置和技术引进成本,到现在国产化制造和修程修制改革,动车组成本和技术可控性逐渐加强。随着高铁网络扩张,动车组等装备需求量增长,装备购置和维修支出持续增加。据铁道统计公报显示,2019年中国国家铁路集团有限公司的设备更新及其他支出近1021亿元,比2015年增长了106%。当前动车组购置和维修成本所占用的资金已成为铁路企业的主要经营压力。考虑到动车组购置价与全寿命周期维修成本的比价系数在1∶1.49~1∶2.06[1],当前动车组维修成本控制是铁路企业节支降耗的重点内容。本文借鉴波特价值链思想,建立我国动车组维修企业的内部价值链模型,从降低关键成本项点消耗和增强价值项点管理协调两个维度提出了动车组维修成本控制建议,为促进我国高铁可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   
韩雷 《兵团党校学报》2022,194(1):103-107
习近平总书记对党员干部理想信念的论述博大精深、内容广袤,为新时代党员干部的理想信念教育进行了科学的指引。具体来说,习近平总书记对党员干部理想信念教育的论述分别从理想信念的具体指称、理想信念的重要性以及如何开展理想信念进行了系统的阐述,科学地回答了什么是理想信念、如何开展理想信念教育,对新时代党员干部理想信念教育质量的提升,以及理想信念教育实效性的生成有着积极意义。  相似文献   

Policy innovation and diffusion literature mainly focuses on the decision to adopt a new policy, while ignoring the differences among new policies. This study divides the decision-making process of policy innovation diffusion into two phases: in the “innovate or not” phase, governments make the decision to adopt or reject the new policy, while “how to innovate” is the process by which governments formulate specific content for the new policy. A dynamic comparative analysis finds that effects of internal determinants and diffusion mechanisms vary during these two phases and that internal determinants moderate the effects of diffusion mechanisms.  相似文献   
王磊 《实事求是》2020,(1):5-12
较之于党的十八大报告中的党的建设部分,党的十九大报告中的相关内容不仅在文本结构形式上作出了一些变动调整,而且在具体提法、措辞表述上也呈现出诸多新变化,其中包含了一系列新思想、新理念和新举措。通过对上述两个文本相关内容的研读比较,透视党的十九大报告对党的建设理论发展所作出的新贡献,既有助于我们学习领会十九大报告在党的建设理论方面的新表述、新观点和新要求,也有助于我们体会并把握其中更突出的创新意识、更鲜明的国情意识、更强烈的忧患意识和更明显的实效意识。  相似文献   
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